n Monday morning, July 21, bishop Antal Majnek presented a requiem mass for the victims of the plane crash which happened on Thursday. As he said: the victims died suddenly and unexpectedly, and that is why there is a particular need in the prayers of our church. The bishop also prayed together with the believers for the parents of the victims, who are experiencing a great pain now, and for the perpetrators who strongly need repentance, as their salvation is in danger.

Antal Majnek, diocesan bishop of Mukachevo asked his priests the next day after the tragedy to pray during the masses, especially on Sunday, for the victims, their relatives and for the repentance of the perpetrators. He also strongly asked the believers not to listen to anyone who wants to arouse hatred in them for anybody: as the war is the result of hatred, and if hatred remains in the believers, we shouldn’t be surprised that the much blood demanded war will spread more. We, the believers of Ukraine  should particularly trust that only through mutual reconciliation we can find the peaceful solution to the problems.

The Ukrainian Catholic Bishops’ Conference issued a statement the next day after the plane crash, in which they expressed their agitation in connection with the tragedy, and their sympathy for victims’ relatives. On Monday, July 21, they also announced fasting and prayer days throughout the country for peace in Ukraine.