The Roman Catholic Parish of Vynohradiv established St. Teres’ Rehabilitation Home in 1998. The goal was to help families raising physically or mentally disabled kids. In May this year a thorough renovation of the first floor was made that included: windows, doors, heating, electricity and water system, as well as making the classrooms, rehabilitation rooms and the restrooms more conveniently accessible for the disabled.

All the renovations were funded by donations, the majority of which came from the Franziskaner für Mittel- und Osteuropa Charitable Foundation. Support also came from Vynohradiv County Administration and St. Martin Diocesan Caritas. When renovation was completed, the institution was reopened and blessed on October 22nd.
Following an introductory speech by Piroska Szabó, director at the Rehabilitation Home, P. Jónás Bán OFM, parish priest of Vynohradiv blessed the newly renovated building. The celebration then continued with a reception and each guest received a gift mug with a photo of St. Teres’ Rehabilitation Home on it. Among the guests attending the event were: P. Patrik Zamisevszkyj OFM and P. Florenz Graf OFM representing the Franziskaner für Mittel- und Osteuropa Charitable Foundation, P. István Pogány general vicar of our diocese, Mr. Ferenc Fehér, director and Kornélia Deák from St. Martin Diocesan Caritas, Szabolcs Bunda, Office Director at Transcarpathian Franciscan Mission Foundation, and reperesentatives of the Hungarian Consulate in Bereghovo.

The renovated institution serves disabled children. There are five rooms for the various services: education, playing, rehabilitation, therapy and logopaedics, and defectology. 12 highly disabled children, who are not able to attend regular school, are taught the highschool program here. A defectologist deals with mentally disabled children, and a speech therapist with children who have speech defect. Besides, a physical therapist as well as a masseur serve the kids at the rehabilitation home.  Due to high demand, the institution extended its services to disabled children from 3 to 6 years old as well. The rehabilitation home works for a smoother integration of these children into society by improving their abilities with special therapy, treatments and education.

Summary by Szabolcs Bunda
(Original report by Magdolna Jackanics)