To our greatest sorrow, the call of the Ukrainian churches for peace was not listened. The carnage continues, people are dying, violence persists. We call all our faithful for prayer and fasting. Prayer and sacrifices are our first and most powerful tools. We call everyone to beg constantly for the mercy of God who can help our suffering country.

We encourage the priests to organize prayer vigils at the parishes and in communities. The paths of Devine Providence remain a secret for us. Let’s ask God to save us from evil and let good triumph, may hatred and revenge vanish and brotherly love would come, let war end and peace come, darkness disappear and the sun of God’s mercy rise. Thank you, dear Brothers and Sisters , all the sacrifices and prayers for the intention to be peace in Ukraine. Let our blessings be on you!

Lviv, February 20, 2014

the Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Ukraine